We work as a team because we believe that multidiscipline is the best approach for complex problems such as infertility. We understand health as a whole, and we take care of it in an integral way with an emphasis on the body, but also on the mind.
When we set up our team, in addition to experienced and highly qualified professionals, we focused on those who
stood out for the ability to listen and human quality to ensure the best care. Thus, with all the information of the case, and the analysis of the possible alternatives, we can decide together with each patient the best treatment.
We conceive the path through infertility as a journey, which will bring surprises and you will need a great serenity to cross it. We are convinced that, where there is love, there is a family.
Cooperation with FIRST EGG BANK supplying top quality egg and sperm donor material since 2008.
Oldest cryopreserved human oocyte to result in a live birth.
Sede Central - Marcelo T. de Alvear 2084, C1122AAF, CABA, Argentina.
Sede Larrea - Larrea 1007 8º, C1117ABE, CABA, Argentina.